Cheers to Monday, or simply, Monday is coming

Maria Simpson
Living a Purpose
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2016


“A day without laughter is a day wasted”~Charlie Chaplin

Here comes Monday, which means another work week ahead for most working adults. Hooray! The majority of the adult working population has a lot in common when it comes to a work week. Here comes Monday, which means prepare your biggest cup of coffee, snooze your alarm at 6:30am, and grab a P&J sandwich to head to work still trying to look fresh. If you are one of those fitness enthusiasts, you might manage to squeeze in that 30 minute morning run. Morning runs never worked for me that well even though I’ve heard that morning fitness helps your body to stay alert throughout the day.

Here comes Monday, which means keeping your cool while sitting in traffic and trying not to engage in road rage. If you did not take time to relax at the pool then it is too bad because here comes Monday. Also, I hope you did not forget to get all your groceries for the rest of the week. At least, I always try to stock up on groceries during the weekend. Here comes Monday, and the highest probability to get pulled over because of speeding up and running late to work.

Here comes Monday, so do not engage in long conversations at your office till caffeine kicks in as you can turn out to be the most unlikeable person for the rest of the day. If coffee runs out on Monday mornings, expect “zombie apocalypses” to erupt. If not zombie apocalypses then a lot of grumpy co-workers wandering around. Here comes Monday, and if your IT department requested to change your access password there is a chance you can forget it by Monday.

Every weekend Mondays strike me like a “lightning bulb.” Hey, what?! Already, and I thought it was Friday when I was breaking into my “happy dance” looking towards my weekend plans and contemplating the sense of freedom. But, no, Monday is glooming over like a rainy cloud when rain has not started yet.

Let’s face the truth as I am never prepared for Mondays. Mondays are the toughest, especially during the summer time unless you live in southern parts of the world. I have a tornado of emotions every Monday. Monday is as unexpected for me as if I have won a lottery because there is a one-in-292 million odds to win the Powerball. I have a mix of feelings every Monday such as “this is going to be my week” or “I am going to nail this week.”

I franticly write down a list of things I need to get done during the week to pretend that this time I am going to have the most productive week of the year. I mentally prepare myself for Monday and it happens every Monday that I am still far from being prepared to the reality of Mondays. Monday has to be a fresh start but it always appears to me as the most surprising day of the week. Monday should not be mysterious as there is nothing mysterious about Mondays. The only mysterious fact about Monday is that I have to drag myself out of the warmth of bed at 6:30am when my brain is slightly confused at that stage. It does not help having that memory foam mattress and pillows, cloud like comforter and king size bed which my husband and I carefully picked up as a recent upgrade to our bedroom.

To prepare myself for the next upcoming Monday, I’ve enjoyed browsing through Pinterest boards. For the reason to not lose my mind on Mondays, or to say it another way, to keep my mind straight I present a list of my top favorites:

I think I am prepared for that Monday “thang”. Monday is an oracle of “do the right thing” and “change the world” mindset. If last week was the worst week, Monday is an answer to ambitious plans. Mondays should never be underestimated but after all here comes Monday again.

Thanks for reading! If it made you smile, please click that heart button below to brighten up more Mondays.

