Be Inspired

Maria Simpson
Living a Purpose
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2019


In 2018 most of my new year’s resolutions were focused on learning to self-reflect on the success, taking risks to lead, and traveling overseas. Last year was a successful year as I reflect on it. I did travel overseas to France, Netherlands, and Denmark. I was able to take on more risks to lead a variety of community projects especially STEM related ones. Lastly, during that year I learnt a whole lot about myself, and who I am as a leader.

Instead of setting traditional goals for this new year’s resolution I decided to pick a word that’ll define the theme of year 2019. “Inspire”, or “Be Inspired” is the theme for 2019. Everything will revolve around that theme. I’ll have to remind myself to always “be inspired” as I tackle daily tasks in those areas of my life: relationships (family and friends), self-care (personal development), work, and community service.

Here is a list of my top 2019 inspirations:

1.Be Inspired…to try a new hobby. It is never too late to start on something new you might have been putting away or making excuses that there is not enough time. May be you want to learn a new sport. Stop making excuses and make a plan on how to stay consistent. How about rock climbing? Running a marathon? Or, may be enrolling into the yoga class?

2. Be Inspired…to read books. One of the most popular new year’s resolutions is to read more. Do not get overwhelmed and commit to a realistic goal. For example, read one book per month. There are many audio books that are available nowadays which is convenient to read while in the car, walking or exercising at the gym.

3. Be Inspired…to volunteer in the community. I bet you have a cause you care about but have not found time to commit to it yet. Well, 2019 is a great year to start volunteer in your community. Start with short commitments. It can be as short as a one time commitment to volunteer at the local Food Bank for few hours to sort food for example. If time allows, increase the frequency of your commitment. Research has found that volunteering helps to release stress and add positive energy.

4. Be Inspired…to travel and be adventurous. It is definitely high on my priority list to visit new countries in 2019. It is something that I enjoy. Let’s not forget that traveling can be local as well. It can involve few hours trip to the national park for example. To make it more exciting, make it a road trip with the family which is a win-win for everyone. Get outside more often, go for a hike with friends, and explore the nature.

5. Be Inspired… to spend more time with your family. It is easy to neglect our relationships with people close to us such as spouses, kids, siblings, and other relatives. Be present with your family. Get rid of cell phones and other distractions while with them. Enjoy movie together or a date night out. Pick up a phone and call your grandparents, or better visit them more often.

6. Be inspired…to be more creative at work. Do not be afraid to think outside the box and offer new approaches to improve processes. Trust me your ideas matter. So, speak up, voice your opinion and do not wait to be asked. The worst case scenario is that it might be rejected. However, the chances are that it can be something that can benefit everyone around. Do not miss out on that opportunity.

As we dive into the 2019, remind yourself to be inspired. As I write this blog post I am inspired to commit to writing more in 2019.What are your 2019 inspirations? Please share with me as I would love to hear about them.

Thanks for reading my blog post! Cheers to new inspirations.

